Monday 14 May 2012

Bunny On A Barge

I have recently read a book called 'Bunny On A Barge'. The book was written by Lucy Daniels. This book was a children's short story and i loved reading it to my children.

The book had text that was easy to read and understand. The storyline kept me and both my girls hooked from the very first page. We really couldn't wait to find out if Mandy and James managed to convince Mr Stanley Hopkins to keep the little rabbit who they had named Bob.

The book is all about Mandy and James. Mandy and James are down by the river one day helping the crew of a t.v programme.  Mandy and James are really enjoying combing the riverbank for wildlife as they both love animals. Mandy and James are walking along the riverbank when Mandy spots something rather unusual.  Mandy had found a little stray rabbit and it was injured.  Mandy went back home and told her parents about the little rabbit.  Later that day Mandy and James returned to Stanely Hopkins's boat and managed to capture the little rabbit. Mandy and James took the little rabbit back home. Mandy's mother who was a vet looked the rabbit over and gave treatment for the rabbit's bad eye. After two days the rabbit was ready to go home but nobody knew who the rabbit belonged to. Mandy and James managed to get Stanley to take care of the rabbit until they could find the rabbit's owner.  Mandy soon discovered why bob was in the woods by the river. Bob kept running away he wanted to live on the boat with Stanely. Did Mandy and James manage to convince Mr Stanely Hopkins to keep Bob on the boat or was Bob always going to be a little stray rabbit? I would suggest that you read this book both me and my kids loved this story.

This book deserves a rating of five. It is a great book that could be enjoyed by the whole family.

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