Friday 24 August 2012

365 Days

I have recently read a book called ' 365 days'. The book was a biography and was written by Charla Muller.

The book had text that was easy to read and understand. The storyline was funny in places  and it was a book that i would reccomend to all those romance novel readers out there.

The book was all about Charla Muller and the amazing birthday present that she gave her husband for his 40th birthday. Charla had a lovely husband, a steady marrige and two lovely children but Charla found that making time for her husband and all things intimate had never been at the top of her ever expanding to do list.  The lack of intamacy wasn't causing them any problem but Charla decided that she couldn't go on pretending that her husband and their relationship wasn't important.  Charla decided to give her husband sex and intimacy everyday for a year as an extra special birthday gift. As then months wore on the Muller's found themselves aking many deep serious questions but did this gift bring the couple closer together or did it eventually drive then further apart?  Read the book and find out it was a great book to read. I would recommend this book to all you romance novel readers out there.

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