Monday 27 August 2012

A Question Of Blood

I have recently read a book called ' A Question Of Blood '. The book was written by Ia Rankine. The book was a crime novel and it was set in the grounds of Port Edgar High School in South Queensferry.

The book had text that was easy to read and understand. I was hooked from the very first page. I was unable to put the book down. The ending to this book was amazing and it was worth waiting for. I would recommend this book to anyone.

The book was all about John Rebus and Siobhan Clarke. John and Siobhan both worked for Lothian and Borders Police. Siobhan was being harassed and followed by Martin Fairstone. When Martin Fairstone is found gagged, tied up and burned to death  after someone set fire to his house, John Rebus becomes the number one susopect asd ge had gone to Martin Fairstone's home only hours before the fire was discovered. John Rebus had burns to both hos hands and the reasons that he provided for them were unbelievable to his superiors. John Rebus was suspended from his duties as a police officer pending an investigation intio the death if Martin Fairstone. While on suspension John Rebus continued to investigate the shooting and death of two pupils at Port Edgar High School. The gunman Lee Herdman had also injured another pupil and then turned the gun on himself, leaving a trail of mystery behind him.  The gunman Lee Herdman was an ex S.A.S officer and the police were wondering what had made him go on this out of character killing spree. During the investigation John Rebus and Siobhan Clarke uncovered many things that appeared strange for example a boat full of drugs and a Gopth with a webcam broadcasting everything that happened in her bedroom to everyone online. John Rebus was shocked to learn that one of the young lads shot was the son of his cousin. With family interest in this case John Rebus was determined to help solve the case. John Rebus encountered many hurdles such as two army officers who were not disclosing all the information they hasd gathered and an M.S.P that was taking to much interest in his cousin's daughter. To help the investigation John Rebus and Siobhan Clarke found themselves entering bthe hotel room of the two army officers and stealing the army file of Lee Herdman. Did the army file shed any light on the case? Was John Rebus and Siobhan Clarke cleared of murdering Martin Fairstone or were they both implicated some way? I would suggest that you read the book and find.

This book deserves a raqting of 5. It was a fantastic book to read and i would recommend reading it to anyone.

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