Thursday 23 August 2012

A Monster Of A Hamster

I have recently read a book called 'A Monster Of A Hamster'. The book was written by Elizabeth Hawkins. This book was a children's short story and i loved reading it to my children.

The book had text that was easy to read  and understand. The book had a fantastic storyline and both my children were hooked from the very first page. They couldn't wait to find out what was going to happen next.

The book was all about Luke and Anna-Louise. Luke and Anna-Louise were next door neighbours and they were both in the same class at school.  Luke and Anna-Louise had a bank holiday Monday and a day off school. Anna-Louise decided to take the class hamster home for the holidays. Anna-Louise's mother was allergic to hamsters and wouldn't allow the hamster in teh house. Luke and Anna-Louise put the hamster in a space they had made outside behind the dustbins. Luke came back to check on the hamster each night and thought everything was normal. Anna-Louise got up on Tuesday morning for school and realized that the hamster was missing. Luke and Anna-Louise came up with a plan to try and hide the fact that the hamster was missing from the class teacher. At art time they made a model hamster from plastacine. Luke and Anna-Louise were meant to be making monsters. At the end of the day it was time to feed the hamster. The twins went to feed the hamster but they said to the teacher that they thought the hamster was dead. The class teacher and all the class pupils stayed behind after school an d held a hamster funeral in the school garden. After school Luke, Anna-louise and the twins went to Anna-Louise's house and started to look for the little hamster. Did they all find the hamster, get the hamster back to school and convince that the class teacher that the hamster wasn't dead?  I would suggest that you read this book. It is a really great story that can be enjoyed by the whole family.

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